As you all know Cristian is in Iraq till August of 2009. Me and him have decided that with all that has gone on we want to do a Renewal of Vows. We feel like we have made it through a lot more then most marriages do in the first couple of years. We want to make that commitment to eachother again with all of are friends and family there. We feel that we can get through anything as long as we have eachother!

Our Renewal of Vows Will Be at the Royal Lahaina Resort at 4:00PM.
It will be casual hawaiin theme. We want it to be fun. This is for me and Cristian to say that we love eachother and we have made it though a lot already.

The Reception will be held at the same resort at 6:00PM. Be confortable. We want this to be a lot of fun for everyone!!!!

We will be staying at Royal Lahaina Resort. I can get a discount if we have enough people that want to say at the same resort. Let me know.

We love all you guys and hope that you will be able to make it cause we really want to share all the love we have with you guys too!!